Friday, May 28, 2010

Energy use in 2035

According to EIA's 2010 long-term global energy analysis, energy use will increase 49% in 2035 (comparing with 2007). This is mainly due to China, India and other developing countries building of more power plants and driving more cars. This is a business as usual scenario that assumes that oil prices will not increase significantly. In fact, OECD countries will account for just a 14 percent increase in energy consumption while non-OECD countries will be responsible for an increase of 84%.
If oil prices were to increase up to 200 dolares per barrel, renewable energy would become increasingly more attractive. That is also true to unconventional petroleum exploration, such as oil sands, that are heavy energy use processes, and for biofuels from Brazil and the United States,
"all providing a combined 70 percent of the increment in total unconventional supply over the projection period."

More information:
Global Emissions predicted to grow through 2035

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Energy efficiency results from PT in 2009

Anticipating this year's Energy Day (29th May), ADENE (Agency for Energy) released some energy results in 2009:

-Transportation - public transportation investment (Metro do Porto)
-Buildings - solar thermal investment (installation of 145 thousand m2); energy efficient bulbs (6 million)
-Industry - creation of a new certification system (SGIE)
-Government - energy efficiency for public lamps; certification of new buildings
Finally, that the government has 300 million euros to spend to promote energy efficiency.

Some interesting links:
Energy Efficiency

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hot, Flat, & Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman

I've been reading Thomas L. Friedman book "Hot, Flat, & Crowded, why the world needs a green revolution - and how we can renew our global future".
Hot because of climate change, flat because of IT (Information Technologies, internet and cell-phones) and globalization, and crowded because the population is expected to continue growing.
According to Friedman we cannot continue the business as usual path. We need a green revolution and we need to focus on ET - Energy technology -, based on renewable energy production and energy efficiency. This is the beginning of new era - the Energy Climate Era (E.C.E).

In 20 E.C.E, Friedman describes a world where everyone has a SBB (smart black box), which is a personal energy dashboard.
The SBB's touch screen can tell you exactly how much energy any of the devices you own is consuming at any moment.
All your appliances can take instructions via SBB as to when they should operate and at what level of power, and tell your utility company when they want to purchase and sell electricity. Because in 20 E.C.E. people are both electricity consumers and producers. Cars are now RESU - Rolling Energy storage units.
The focus in the beginning of the E.C.E should be not only on innovation on the energy supply side, but also on the demand side through energy efficiency.
A study by McKinsey Global Institute from 2008 concluded that the world could cut projected global energy demand growth between now and 2020 by at least half by capturing opportunities to increase energy productivity - the level of output we achieve from the energy we consume. So much of this involves just being smarter about how we design buildings, packages, vehicles, refrigerators, air conditioners, and lighting systems and constantly insisting on higher and higher standards of efficiency from each of them - so we get the same comfort, mobility, and illumination from fewer resources.

To be a part of this green revolution there are two actions individuals should do:
1. Pay attention and personally lead as environmentally sustainable life as you can: make sure your environmental awareness and behavior is always a work in progress.
2. Influence your leaders in participating in international and national commitments, by institutionalizing them in laws, regulations and treaties. These rules and regulations establish price signals, influence markets, create incentives and regulated the performance of machines, vehicles and devices.

Although his book is focused on the leading role that U.S.A should have in the E.C.E, Friedman also dedicates his attention to China and to Petrodictatorships (mainly OPEC countries), trying to establish a relationship between the price of oil and freedom - in oil-rich petrolist states, the price of oil and the pace of freedom tend to move in opposite directions. I find this a bit farfetched, because I've always heard that we would need high oil prices and carbon taxes to change the current energy paradigm. But Friedman states that the lower the price of crude oil falls, the more petrolist leaders are sensitive to what outsiders think of them and when money can be extracted from the ground, people simply don't develop the DNA of innovation and entrepreneurship. For Friedman, the U.S.A is a key player in sponsoring petrodictatorships.

More information about the book: Wikipedia, New York Times Review, Weakonomics Review

Friday, May 7, 2010

EU cities pledge to reduce CO2

500 European cities signed the Covenant of Mayors, where they pledge to save energy, foster renewable energy and raise awareness among their citizens.
According to Durão Barroso,
"Smart green buildings, smart transport and logistics and, in general, the whole concept of smart cities are job-intensive activities that contribute directly to the local economy. Crucially, they also make a positive contribution to other issues, such as social integration, quality of life, well-being, and the attractiveness of our cities."

The portuguese cities that signed this pledge were:

The Covenant cities and towns from Portugal are:
1 - Águeda
2 - Almada
3 - Aveiro
4 - Beja
5 - Benavente
6 - Cascais
7 - Esposende
8 - Ferreira do Alentejo
9 - Guarda
10 - Lisbon
11 - Loures
12 - Moura
13 - Oeiras
14 - Ovar
15 - Palmela
16 - Ponta Delgada
17 - Porto
18 - Santiago do Cacém
19 - Santo Amador
20 - Vale de Cambra
21 - Valpaços
22 - Vendas Novas
23 - Vila Nova de Gaia
24 - Viseu

More information:
Covenant of Mayors
Press Release from EUROPA