Sunday, November 7, 2010

Article uploaded in Pluridoc

Analysing the implementation of three vehicle renewal and one urban mobility measures defined in the Portuguese Energy Efficiency Action Plan (PNAEE) is available in Pluridoc.

The Portuguese Action Plan on Energy Efficiency (PNAEE) aims a 10% reduction in final energy consumption in 2015, compared with the average of final energy consumption from 2001 to 2005, through the implementation of energy efficiency policies in transportation, residential, services, industry and government. The transportation sector is responsible for more than a third of final energy consumption and will have the highest predicted energy savings (41%). This paper analyses the implementation of measures included in the vehicle renewal and urban mobility programs. The vehicle renewal program aims to increase energy efficiency of cars through incentives to replace them by more efficient ones and equipment changes. It focuses on reducing the percentage of passenger and commercial vehicles with more than 10 years to 30% and the greenhouse gas emissions from new cars to 110 g CO2/km, so low emissions vehicles represent 10% of the total number of cars circulating in 2015. Urban mobility program aims to encourage the use of public instead of individual transport in urban areas through the creation of mobility plans, the increase in efficiency of public transportation and modal shifting in cities. It focuses on transferring 5% of passenger km (pkm) in Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon (AML) and Porto (AMP) from individual to public transportation in 2015. Based on estimated car ownership, end-of-life vehicles’ decommissioning and new low-emission vehicles sales, the paper concludes that meeting the targets for vehicle renewal measures is unlikely. Based on the increase from individual transport in pkm in AML and AMP, meeting the target is likely. However, trends in pkm are uncertain in the upcoming years. Even assuming that public transportation will continue losing pkm (from 1991 to 2001, the transportation system in AML and AMP changed from one based on public transport to one based on individual transportation), the percentage loss to cars remains difficult to estimate.

Keywords: efficiency plan, transportation, policies, mobility, vehicle renewal

Comments are greatly appreciated!

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