Thursday, July 22, 2010

Clean Energy Ministerial

Ministers from 24 governments launched new initiatives to accelerate the global transition to clean energy in the Clean Energy Ministerial
Some of them are:
-Appliances: The Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) initiative aims to transform the global market for energy-using equipment and appliances, such as televisions and lighting. SEAD will help governments overcome market barriers to capture a significant portion of global appliance efficiency energy savings.
SEAD addresses both ends of the efficiency spectrum: helping “pull” super-efficient devices into the market through cooperation on measures like manufacturer incentives and research and development investments and helping “push” inefficient devices off the market by bolstering national policies like minimum efficiency standards. Specific efforts include the development of “toolkits” for policymakers seeking to enhance national appliance efficiency programs and launching new Global Efficiency Awards, which will recognize the very best super-efficient appliances sold (and under development) in global markets.
-Buildings and Industry: The Global Superior Energy Performance (GSEP) Partnership will help large buildings and industrial facilities – which account for almost 60 percent of global energy use – measure and reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions over time, incentivizing positive change with an internationally-recognized certification program. GSEP participants will share tools, trainings and best practices for tracking and accelerating energy performance improvements, both within their sector and across industry sectors. As part of the program, eight companies representing over $600 billion in annual sales and one university will pilot the program.
-Smart Grid: The International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) will help accelerate the development and deployment of smart electricity grids around the world through high-level government dialogue, sharing best-practices, technical assistance, peer review and project coordination, where appropriate. Smart grid technologies will promote the growth of renewable energy, help consumers and businesses to better measure and manage their energy use, improve the reliability of the electrical system, and speed the introduction of fuel-saving electric vehicles. ISGAN complements the Global Smart Grid Federation, an ‘association of associations’ composed of leading smart grid stakeholder organizations from around the world, which was also announced at the Ministerial.

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