WCC-3 will establish an international framework to guide the development of climate services which will link science-based climate predictions and information with climate-risk management and adaptation to climate variability and change throughout the world.
"The overarching theme of the Conference is "Climate prediction and information for decision-making: focusing on scientific advances in seasonal to inter-annual time-scales, taking into account multi-decadal prediction". It includes the application of climate prediction and information to societal problems enabling adaptation to climate variability and change in various sectors such as agriculture and food security, forestry, energy, water, health, urban and rural settlements, infrastructure, tourism, wildlife, trade and transport that contribute to sustainable socio-economic development.
Better climate information for a better future
There will be four sub-themes in parallel sessions on:
Advancing climate prediction and information science
Climate risk management strategies and information needs
Climate impacts and adaptive strategies
Mainstreaming climate predictions and information services.
As the focus of the conference is on the integration of climate prediction and information in decision-making in relation to user needs, there will be parallel sessions for sectors that contribute to sustainable socio-economic development such as agriculture and food security, energy, water, health, tourism, disaster management and transport."