Monday, April 9, 2012

EU's Energy efficiency goal not on track

The EU's 20% energy efficiency improving is not on track for 2020.
The Danish presidency has made the Energy Efficiency Directive a priority until June. This ambitious goal is a means to create green jobs in building renovations as well as a way of cutting consumer spending and dependence on expensive energy imports.
But some utilities and EU countries are resisting it, leading to a weak proposal to close the gap.

More information: EU Energy Savings Plan Too Weak: Green Campaigners

Energy efficiency is a business opportunity

According to the director at Delta Energy and Environment, a consulting firm, energy efficiency is a business opportunity as soon as the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive is approved.
A utility interested in improving energy efficiency [they] tried telling customers "you could save money". The customers were not interested. They tried telling customers "you could save the environment". The customers were not interested. They told their customers "you are doing the right thing for the country, you are increasing energy efficiency". The customers were not interested. But when they told their customers "here is how you are using energy compared to how other customers use energy, they were suddenly interested.”

More information: Energy efficiency is a business opportunity

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Carbon Trust launches ‘Empower’ tool to help employees save energy

Carbon Trust has just released a new tool to help employees save energy: Empower
Watch the video and start saving energy!