This decision will be costly (estimated two billion euros every year) with the consumer paying the bill.
There are also some issues with the security in energy supply and changes in the German energy network.
In nuclear energy, the global leader is France. Germany lags behind. Angela Merkel has concluded that it is better to engage in another sphere and to explore other markets, including renewable energies. There, the future belongs to Germany. One will tuck away the fact that in the meantime Germany will consume more coal and will generate even more CO2, which reached record levels last year. One will neglect to mention that the country will import more Russian gas and – nuclear power from France. But who will report that this decision, radical and energetic, will break up the foundation on which the European Union originally was built, the Europe that pooled the energies of that era, coal and steel?
Yves Harté, columnist from a french newspaper
More information: Where does nuclear exit lead to?