Monday, July 27, 2009

Klima 2009 / Climate 2009

Klima 209 / Climate 2009 is an online scientific conference taking place from 2 to 6 November 2009.
"The Social, Economic and Political Aspects of Climate Change" is going to be discussed by scientists, experts and the general public. Everyone can participate after a free online registration.
"Enter this platform on 2-6 November 2009 and read about new projects and innovative initiatives being undertaken in both industrialised and developing countries by universities and scientific institutions, government bodies, NGOs and other stakeholders."

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Investment in Renewable Energy

Investment in Renewable Energy is increasing despite the economic crisis.
UNEP Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative report estimates a total of 55 billion dollars invested in 2008. Wind and solar represented the largest sector of the investment.
However renewable energy still represents only approximately 6% of the world's energy mix.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What is happening in Copenhagen in December?

The Conference of the Parties that signed Kyoto Protocol (COP15) to discuss the period after 2012.
The Kyoto Protocol only goes from 2008 to 2012.
The European Union is strongly committed in emissions reductions. The goal is to cut 20% by 2020 and all 27 Member States will be included.
According to EEA signals, 2009,
"The EU's 2020 target is almost equivalent to removing emissions from all transport across Europe."

Greenhouse gas emissions have increased four times faster since 2000.

EU-15 targets to meet Kyoto Protocol

This figure shows the gap between Kyoto targets for EU-15 and 2010 projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions with existing measures and including additional measure.

EU can meet its targets, but for that additional measures are required.

Source: EEA, signals 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

EPER - European Pollutant Emission Register

EPER registers european industrial emissions to air and water.
It is a little outdated (2001), but it now has a search using Google Earth with all industrial installations covered.
All you have to do is to download the file EPER KML file and open it with Google Earth.