Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe

Yesterday the European Commission presented the Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe.

Some highlights:
Today in the EU, each person consumes 16 tonnes of materials annually, of which 6 tonnes are wasted, with half going to landfill.

The Vision: By 2050 the EU's economy has grown in a way that respects resource constraints and planetary boundaries, thus contributing to global economic transformation. Our economy is competitive, inclusive and provides a high standard of living with much lower environmental impacts. All resources are sustainably managed, from raw materials to energy, water, air, land and soil. Climate change milestones have been reached, while biodiversity and the ecosystem services it underpins have been protected, valued and substantially restored.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Computer energy efficiency doubles every 18 months

An interesting article in Ecogeek states that computer energy efficiency doubles every 18 months. This comes as a indirect consequence of the Moore's law (power doubling every 18 months) because what contributes to the power improvement (reducing component size, capacitance and communication time between them) also increases energy efficiency.

More information A new and improved Moore's law